VFR CHARTS - UK - 1:250,000/1:500,000. Folded

Title Price Description
1:250,000 Series : Central England & Wales - (Edition: 15) £15.99

1:250,000 Series : Central England & Wales - EDITION 15
The 1:250000 series (preferred for local flying, helicopter, glider and microlight flying.) depicts topographical features in far greater detail than the 1:500,000 series, including terrain contours above 200ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL. Aeronautical information is shown from surface to altitude 5000ft.

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1:250,000 Series : England - East - (Edition: 16) £15.99

1:250,000 Series : England - East - EDITION 16
The 1:250000 series (preferred for local flying, helicopter, glider and microlight flying.) depicts topographical features in far greater detail than the 1:500,000 series, including terrain contours above 200ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL. Aeronautical information is shown from surface to altitude 5000ft. ICAO idents/initial radio contact frequencies are also included.

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1:250,000 Series : England South - (Edition: 28) - New edition available 16th May £15.99

1:250,000 Series : England South
The 1:250000 series (preferred for local flying, helicopter, glider and microlight flying.) depicts topographical features in far greater detail than the 1:500,000 series, including terrain contours above 200ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL. Aeronautical information is shown from surface to altitude 5000ft. ICAO idents/initial radio contact frequencies are also included.

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1:250,000 Series : The West & South Wales - (Edition: 14) £15.99

1:250,000 Series : Southwest England & South Wales - EDITION 14.
The 1:250000 series (preferred for local flying, helicopter, glider and microlight flying.) depicts topographical features in far greater detail than the 1:500,000 series, including terrain contours above 200ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL. Aeronautical information is shown from surface to altitude 5000ft. ICAO idents/initial radio contact frequencies are also included.

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1:500,000 Series : Northern England & Northern Ireland - (Edition: 47) £15.99

1:500,000 Series : Northern England & Northern Ireland. Edition 47. The 1:500000 series (the most popular choice for touring pilots) depicts topographical features, including terra in contours above 500ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL, overlaid with aeronautical information from surface to FL245.

Please note that the CAA no longer issues radio frequency cards - from now on you will need to go the NATS website and download updates. This is the address:

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1:500,000 Series : Scotland - (Edition: 36) £15.99

The 1:500000 series (the most popular choice for touring pilots) depicts topographical features, including terrain contours above 500ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL, overlaid with aeronautical information from surface to FL245.

Please note that the CAA no longer issues radio frequency cards - from now on you will need to go the NATS website and download updates. This is the address:

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1:500,000 Series : Southern England & Wales - *** Edition 51 *** £23.99

1:500,000 Series : Southern England & Wales - EDITION 51
The 1:500000 series (the most popular choice for touring pilots) depicts topographical features, including terrain contours above 500ft AMSL and obstacles more than 300ft AGL, overlaid with aeronautical information from surface to FL245.

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